Thursday, April 19, 2007

Kelly Kitcherer


KICHERER said...

Beowulf-Christianity or Paganism Beowulf was written in England sometime in the 8th century. This provides us with an idea that the poem that was written during a time when the society was in the process of converted from paganism to Christianity. The Christian influences were combined with early folklore and heroic legends of German tribes and we try to look at whether or not Christian and biblical influences were added later to originally pagan poem or not. The fact that Christianity and Paganism are so closely intertwined in the poem is the reason Beowulf has both Christian and pagan influences. The pagan elements in the epic poem Beowulf are evident in the characters superhuman personifications. Beowulf is depicted as a superhero. Beowulf takes it upon himself to save the Danes from Grendel. In his battle with Grendel, Beowulf chooses not to use weapons; he relies on his super strength. During the fight, Beowulf's strength takes over, and Beowulf wrestles with Grendel until he is able to rip one of the monster's arms out of its socket. Superhuman feats also appear in the fight with Grendel's mother. When Beowulf enters the water, he swims, without the use of oxygen, downward for an entire day before he sees the bottom. During the battle with Grendel's mother, Beowulf realizes that Unferth's sword is useless against the monster’s thick skin. He grabs an enormous sword made by giants, almost too heavy to hold, and slashes through the monster's body. This superhero strength continues into the battle with the dragon. By this time Beowulf is an old man. He decides that he must avenge his people and fight the dragon. Although Beowulf is fatally wounded himself, he still manages to deliver the final blow that kills the dragon. Grendel is also seen as a superhuman monster. Grendel has no knowledge of weapons, so he, too, depends on his extraordinary strength to destroy his enemies. The dragon is also seen as a super-powerful adversary. As in most pagan stories, the dragon is a much-used enemy of the hero of the story. The dragon in Beowulf spits fire with such intense heat that it melts Beowulf's shield to his body. The author has exalted the fights with fabled monsters into a conflict between the powers of good and evil. These battles are examples of epic folklore during pagan times. Also, in the poem Beowulf partakes in many non-Christian deeds. He drinks alot and has a tendency to kill people and creatures. Beowulf also cares more about being remembered and getting treasure more that doing a deed for the charity of it. The fact that he wished to be cremated also suggests that he is a pagan. While many pagan influences appear in the poem, Christian overtones dominate. Many of the characters exhibit Christian characteristics. Beowulf has a Christ-like behavior in his good-heartedness and charity. Beowulf understands the plight of the Danes that are being oppressed by the evil monster Grendel just as Christ knew of the oppression of the Jewish people. Both set out on a venture to save their people. To free themselves from the monster, the Danes need a savior, and Beowulf, through his desire to disperse their suffering, comes to save them. When Beowulf battles Grendel, he exhibits a sense of fairness when he refuses to use a weapon. The idea throughout the poem of living right, of loyalty, and of being a good leader can all be seen as traits of Christ. Just as Beowulf exemplifies Christ, Grendel mirrors Satan. Beowulf and Grendel represent the Christian beliefs of good verse evil. Grendel is referred to as a descendant of Cain, whom Satan tricks into sinning and committing the first murder. He is the image of a man fallen from grace through sin. Like Satan who is jealous of the happiness and joy that Adam and Eve have in the Garden of Eden, Grendel is jealous of the happiness and joy in Heorot. Grendel, as with Satan, is an adversary of God and poses a great challenge to Beowulf. Grendel lives in an underworld as Satan lives in hell. Grendel is referred to in the poem as the guardian of sins. The dragon is Beowulf's last and greatest battle. The dragon represents malice, greed, and destruction. He is a symbol of the power of Satan. Beowulf's fight with the dragon is a realization of the story of salvation where Beowulf, like Christ, gives his life for his people. The dragon is a timeless foe, which represents the eternal evils that man must fight to preserve what’s good. Beside Christian elements, the poem has many Christian parallels. Grendel who is described as a descendant of Cain is a very hateful creature. He envies the fellowship and happiness he sees. He hates living in the underworld, cut off from the company of other men. He stalks the people and terrorizes them because he is jealous of their joy. Grendel’s stalking of the Dane’s is similar to the devil when he was cast out of heaven and the joys that were there. He became jealous of mankind and to this day stalks people with temptations of evil. More parallels are evident in Beowulf's preparation and descent into the mere where Grendel's mother lives. While Beowulf is preparing to enter the water, he is pondering the evils that inhabit the pond. He knows he is faced with a greater challenge than before. He prepared as though he were preparing for death. Christ knew before his death that he was facing a great challenge, and he forgave his enemies. Beowulf's descent into the mere is similar to a baptismal rite. The immersion purifies him, and he overcomes the evil power of Grendel's mother. He rises from the water a redeemed man much as Christ arose from the tomb. While Beowulf is in the mere, all the thanes except Wiglaf gives up hope and leaves at the ninth hour, the hour of Christ's death on the cross. The waiting is similar to the apostles waiting for Christ to return from the Garden of Gethsemane. While Christ was in the Garden, the apostles gave up and fell asleep, all except Peter who loyally awaited Christ's return. Finally, just as Christ had one last battle, Beowulf has his final battle with the dragon. Both Christ and Beowulf fought hard in their last battles with evil, and although they both ultimately died in their final battle, they both were able to conquer the evil before they died. In conclusion, the author of Beowulf was very effective in combining pagan and Christian ideas in his poem. The technique of combining two different ideals made the poem Beowulf very interesting to read. In mixing Christian and pagan ideas, the poet of Beowulf was able to emphasize the morals of his time and to enhance his characters with Christian values and pagan legends.

KICHERER said...

This criticism of Beowulfs cultural or, more specifically, religious influences, presents a number of valid points. The evidence presented supports both the Christian and Pagan influences on the poem and Anglo-Saxon culture. The critic seems to lean more towards the possibility that the author of Beowulf was more pagan than christian. I agree with the critic. While there are evident mixed religious influences, the poem is more pagan with a cover of christianity. I mainly agree because of the cremation and non-Christian activities and characters that are in the poem.

Richard said...

I feel as if Beowulf conveys a a christian viewpoint yet also other religious viewpoints. There is a deep Anglo-Saxon influence on Beowulf as well.

Jack Roche said...

I agree that there is a mix of religions in Beowulf. I think the author was more Pagan than Chistian but christianity was definately in the mix.

Phil Coyne said...

I find it interesting that the critic brings a question of whether or not Christian influences were added to the original poem, and he goes into detail of the pagan themes and the Christian overtone. I do agree that there are multiple cultural and religious influences at work in the poem. I also agree with Kelly that the poem was more of the pagan influence.

Phil Coyne said...

I find it interesting that the critic brings a question of whether or not Christian influences were added to the original poem, and he goes into detail of the pagan themes and the Christian overtone. I do agree that there are multiple cultural and religious influences at work in the poem. I also agree with Kelly that the poem was more of the pagan influence.

Brandon said...

Once again, the idea of Good vs. Evil is brought up again. But this time the author author is relating the theme to Christianity and Paganism, two of the dominant religions of the Anglo-Saxon culture, I suppose.
But who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? Good is really a point of view, as well as Evil. For all I know, Grendel may have believed that HE was the one who was doing the right thing -- for his own reasons. Grendel most likely believed that Hrothgar was Evil, mainly because he was Grendel's enemy. Since we did not learn Grendel's side of the story, we can never know for sure who was "Good" and who was "Evil." We are only given Beowulf's biased point of view.
Society today automatically assumes that Grendel portrays Evil, but don't forget who mindlessly tore off his arm and kept it as a trophy....Beowulf....

KICHERER said...

good call dude

Kevin Bates said...

what i find most interesting about this essay is the contradictory possibility that Beowulf himself was a pagan, because he had "many non-christian tendencies." this little tid-bit is ignored for the rest of the essay... especially when the author comments about Beowulf being a prime example of christianity that others should hope to live up to.

The Real Ayao S. said...

I would have to agrree with jack on this criticism the fact that there were two mixes of religions in the poem. But i believe christianity played a huge role in the poem

$cott Earl said...

I agree that both the Christian and Pagan religions were apparent in the text. However, Christianity was the main focus, as good overcame evil.

Zach Augustine said...

This article talks about the superhuman powers being paganistic. I find this to be interesting how they use the word paganistic to describe super powers. Yes, they are fantasy and somewhat magic but i didnt know that was labled at paganism. I can understand why they would call it that, but i only called religious material paganistic not fantasy stories.

The Incredible Ben Reid said...

Both the Christian and Pagan religions influenced the text, however, Christianity was the main religion in the storywhich emphasized the theme of good overcoming evil.

Lauren Haller said...

Christianity and Paganism were two religions that were prominent in Anglo-Saxon culture and they were both represented in Beowulf. I agree that it then makes sense that society was in the process of converting religions. The examples given all provide valid points proving this idea.

brittany gentilini said...

There is no doubt that Beowulf has Paganism and Christianity influences.Christianity seems to be the dominate religion expressed in Beowulf.

Chanel Riser said...

According to this critic Christianity and Paganism were two of the dominant religions of the Anglo-Saxon culture. The critic expresses the idea that Beowulf is more pagan than christian. This is supported in the violence and obvious "non-christian" behavior in the story.

Jessica Crum said...

Chirstianlty and Paganism is present in teh text. Christanity is more prominatedue to the good vs evil theme.

Anonymous said...

I agree that there are christian and pagan influences in Beowulf. Textual evidence supports it. Beowulf holds more pagan influences though since he strives for less humble goals.

Eric Riger said...

While I don't no anything about paganism, the author makes a good arguement that Beowulf's battles were epic folklores during pagan times. I do agree that Christianity and paganism and other religions were represented in Beowulf. The author again, linked Beowulf and Grendle to the good v. bad theme. Beowulf is argued as representing Jesus, as Grendel is the devil. The author overall makes a strong statement that holds some value. I do know that Beowulf is representative of Anglo-Saxon culture.

Joslynn Trail said...

In Anglo-Saxon it seems that they were converting religions. Since Christianity and Paganism is brought up numerously.

Zach Berger said...

Beowulf definitely has Pagan and Christian elements in it. There is the idea of Beowulf vs Grendel or God vs Satan, and then there is the idea of Beowulf being super strong and fighting monsters. So it is interesting how the author has these to idealogies mesh.

Kirsten Albers-Fiedler said...

There are definitely Christian themes in Beowulf, but I disagree with the author's viewpoints on Christ and Beowulf.

Steven Marconi said...

I agree that there is a mix of religious beliefs throughout Beowulf such as christianity and pegan. However Christianity plays a much bigger role becasue thats what Beowulf represents.